Win. Or Die Trying.
The Sox are going to the playoffs. The rumors of their late season collapse were greatly exaggerated. My favorite headline was "Sox Choke...On Champagne." As many of you know, I had completely lost hope in their ability to even make it into the playoffs, so this is a day of celebration. I think I'll celebrate tonight. Hmm, how shall I celebrate? As if there was more than one way!
In related news, the other Sox team is, indeed choking. I hope they get in. I'd love to see a Sox-Sox playoff series, mainly because it would pit me against, oh, let's see, ALL of my friends, minus 5 in the area. I'm not entirely convinced that my Sox will win even one playoff game, they haven't in a long time. But to be able to see them beat that other Sox team would be the ultimate. Especially since I had to sit through last year's ridiculous celebration. I'm not going to lie, I really enjoyed it, especially watching them win four in a row against the Yankees. That really is a memory that won't fade.
Still, my enjoyment was more than partly through osmosis. Right now I'm really reveling in this. Yes, I should be focusing on my thesis. I love my thesis advisor because he doesn't take any of my shit. I'm pretty sure he's going to kick my ass all year long. It's awesome. Except I'm lazy. But I'm on top of it. I think I'm ahead of at least some people. Shudder Shudder.
The good news is that with the Sox win today that I don't have to spend hours on the internet watching MLB Gameday. I'm not sure if you know what this is, but it's basically a window that updates whenever a pitch is thrown, letting you know whether it was a strike, ball, hit, etc. It also keeps track of outs and base runners. In short, it's completely mindnumbing, but when your teams games aren't broadcast where you live, it's all you have unless you want to pay. No thanks. So now I can relax until the playoffs begin next week and hunker down on my thesis.
I would like to see this hunkering, Ryan. Do you have a webcam?
MLB Gameday was a little scrambled last night in the crucial last two innings of the Red Sox game, leaving the photo of the previous batter up while someone else was actually ("actually") at bat, which confused me no end, but it's a pretty remarkable service nonetheless, don't you think? Finally I got my lazy bum out of bed and went and turned on the radio just in time to hear Ortiz save the game. That was so much more satisfying than "refresh" "refresh" "refresh."
Where are you going to watch any Sox-Sox games? Do you have a safe haven?
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