It´s Final
This just in. Spain legalizes gay marriage in time for the big Orgullo festival this weekend. It´s gonna be ginormous, I bet. That´s pretty crazy. I wonder what the pope thinks. This used to be the Church´s favorite country. Franco was probably their favorite leader. Oh, right. Apparently Franco´s grandson is some big, eurotrash cokehead. How hilarious is that! And he was on a reality show too. HAHAHA. I´m sorry I missed that. It was last year. Damn my age.
I return to the USA, July 5, one day after our blessed Independence Day. How beautiful...I don´t have to deal with hillbillies setting off dynamite in the street or blasting sirens in parades or barbacoa with family (this I´ll kind of miss...a little). I get into NYC and may spend the day there or return straight up to Cantabria to start looking for a job.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I finally saw flamenco in a cozy little tablao. Unfortunately, tourists practically ruined the intimate beautiful experience. It was really amazing and I´m quite glad I finally went. It´s a spectacle and so sensual and tragic. Really grrrreat.
Yesterday went to the beach.
Today the Drake´s family is here, so we´ve got that.
Haven´t determined when I return to Madrid to say my farewells to the only city that truly never sleeps. Bah I say to New York. PS-have you seen the new design for the Freedom Tower. HAHAHA What a piece of shit. I absolutely hate it. It´s so gross. disgusting. behemoth. ungraceful. blech. Chicago wouldn´t be caught dead with that piece of shit. So it goes. If you don´t know what I´m talking about, seriously just go see Batman Begins for the way cool shots of the Second City. Second my foot. I´m really excited about seeing it again...but hopefully not till late August.
The real tragedy of the stolen computer is that now the Drake and I can´t watch Seinfeld or Curb or movies or listen to music. We thought it might be a good idea to pick up a David Sedaris book and read it out loud, but Valencia has shitty English book selections, so that blows.
The End.