Burgos, Birthdays, and Bombshells
Happy Birthday, Ricardo. It´s my brother´s birthday, so happy to that. I learned that the elusive part of Cumpleaños Feliz is in fact Deseaaaamos todos.
I was in Burgos and had a time with Teddy, his girlfriend, and their friends. Totally cool group of people, and as always we were out late, laughing a LOT, talking a lot, and generally drinking way too late. Woo to that. Burgos was totally a totally cool little burg. Much better climate this time of year than Madrid, where I am currently sweating like a pig, a fat one.
This weekend marks the coming to Madrid of two bombshells. My señora´s daughter arrived, and so I have now met her entire family, and have solidified my opinion of them as being one of the best families I have known in my life. Seriously amazing people. The daughter is hilarious as they all are, and she´s incredibly beautiful. They all look alike except the padre. It´s hilarious, the mother´s genes kicked the hell out of the padre´s in the womb wars.
The other bombshell in Madrid is Shakira, who I will be seeing in concert tonight. Never thought that would happen, but it´s free and right by my house. Can´t wait. The city is crawling with life right now, just exploding completely with the Rastro and the build up to the anouncement of the olympic city for 2012, which probably won´t be Madrid, but it gives them an excuse to celebrate (like they need one every day here´s a party). I leave the city this week and am about to cry. I love it so much, and as I was walking around all day, I was totally beaming. This week I go to Valencia to live with the Drake and am really excited.
Tomorrow I go find out what the hell has happened to my au pair job. Not quite sure. Haven´t talked to them in almost a week, so tomorrow I´m going to solidify plans before flying the coup. I may be officially jobless as the passive aggressive señora may have already fired me and I don´t know. Should be interesting. If all turns out badly, I can always look down other avenidas ilegales. Or I could come home early, squat in Boston, you know, college stuff. That´s all for now, I´m on a timed computer and people are waiting for me to come down so we can drink heavily before Shakira and generally have a time with the city of Madrid for perhaps the last time. Crap, I´m getting teary...not really, but if I could I would. This is the city for me. Can´t wait to come back again and again.
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