More life with the Proles.
Well, I´m back from France and somewhat rejuvenated. Spain is strange without a lot of Americans crawling around. In fact, I haven´t really spoken to one American since I´ve been back, so I´m excited about hanging out with the program leftovers this weekend hopefully.
I moved into my new house, so of course that comes with a lot of story. First, I must say that this family is rich. I know I said that my other family was rich, but this one is filthy stinking rich. How rich, you say? Well, if you count me among the help, which you should, there are as many employees living in this household as there are family members. Yes, three servants and three members of the fam. How bizarre is that? I feel like the other two members of the house are trying to rope me into their circle so that we can have a coup de maison. Is it de or du? I don´t know the first thing about French. Also the apartment is about twice as big as the other big apartment I lived in, and there are paintings everywhere. Pretty good ones too. The kid is really great, although I´m still worrying about how we´re going to find topics of conversation for our one-on-one relationship for the next two weeks, let alone the month and a half in Mallorca. I think it´ll be all right, though. Apparently he loves Queen, yes that Queen. He told me that the Spanish translations are just awful. Instead of We will rock you, they actually use Nosotros for we. I can´t even imagine how they finish the declaration. I live in a big bedroom, but it doesn´t have a tv which kind of stinks, but I have plenty of books. I´m eventually going to ask if I can watch their dvds, but right now doesn´t seem to be the time since the Mom kind of passive-aggressively mentioned that the son was a little sad yesterday that I wasn´t around when he first came home, and called them at a bullfight, which meant the dad had to give homework advice over the phone at the bullfight.
I apologized and felt really bad, but they didn´t tell me that I had to help him, and second of all, I was asleep because the day before I spent more than half of on transportation. But I got the message, I´m basically supposed to be around whenever he needs me. Fine by me, I just wish I understood to begin with. Also, I have to speak English to the woman, but very slowly so she can understand. I don´t think she has gotten the message of the cardinal rule of language comprehension: don´t ask to slow down, just nod and pretend like you understand until you pick up on the rhythm. Needless to say, it´s much easier when we talk in Spanish.
The parents on the whole are a far cry from my old family, lacking the constant joking and prodding and warmness. I can´t fault them because number one it´s just a different personality type and number two, I´m not paying them, they´re paying me, so I really am a glorified servant. Still, I miss my old family. Of course it takes about two weeks to really get comfortable, so I can´t hit snap judgments. So what is my snap judgment, you ask? Ambivalence. It´s too soon to evaluate. There are things I love and things I don´t like so much. The kid is great, so that´s the most important thing and I´ll work from there.
In other news, I watched The Incredibles last night. The kid had the video, and I watched it and it was GREAT. I really really loved it. The Ayn Randish tendencies are definitely there and can be a little offputting, but I think mainly it´s spot on, entertaining, and really fun. Plus, I´ve never read Áyn Rand and never plan to, so what do I care.
Life as "the help", eh? You do realize that the other servants are going to hate you. Remember the effeminate tutor for the children in Manor House, Mr. Raj-Singh? That's you.
Ah well, time for me to study a bit for my last exam. It's a science A core, if that's any indication about how much of a joke it promises to be.
Como se llama, the kid? Can you say? Should we just call him Freddy, as in Mercury? I'm with Lisa, Queen is awesome, and the kid sounds like a bit of a nerd, which is cool too.
If you're going to be a house servant, better that you're in Spain than in England. The Brits really know how to keep a person in their place.
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