Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sympathy for the Frying Pan

Like Beulah a week or two ago, the temperature control has gone haywire. The radiator cap broke at some point this semester, and now we are completely at the whim of the superintendent. It's spewing steam into the room, and right now I don't have a thermometer, but I would bet it's over 80 degrees. I don't really have a problem with this. I like the heat. I can just drink cool water. The problem lies in the fact that it's cold outside, so if I have errands to run and am constantly in and out of the room, I'm constantly shedding and putting on layers. In my room, I cannot wear any more than a tshirt. Jeans are pushing it. I sleep in the bare essentials, because a flannel comforter is really more than enough. I can't even really keep it all over me. It's kind of bunched around.

Also, yesterday, after lunch I went with some Quincy kids to go see Brokeback Mountain. It's really excellent. I'm not one for romances, but this is pretty damn good. I think the key to its success is that it doesn't really pull at the heartstrings too hard. Watching the movie and immediately afterward, I was pretty drawn in, but not sure about its greatness. Afterward it sticks around. I think that's the proof. Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams break through. Ledger's Western accent--Dayenu. After that, the rest of the movie could have been an afterthought. It wasn't.

I'm watching Andy Rooney now. When are they going to put him in a home? Have they already? Will he even know the cameras are gone? Does he know they're there now? Some worthwhile thoughts to ponder the next time you watch 60 Minutes. I'll miss him when the day comes.

Everyone has plans for next year except ----------. Yup, you guessed it. Well, maybe not everyone...just everyone in Adams.

I go home on Tuesday. I'm not sure how. The room is a mess, and I still have so many errands to do. Maybe we'll have visitors when we get back. Help me come up with names for my future pet mice/cockroaches.

That's all for now.


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