One Big Fat "Ugh"
Is this really necessary? I mean honestly. As if I'm not already sick of hearing this day in and day out. Seriously, it's ok in private, but putting this on the blog is just embarrassing. It almost reads like a drunk email or voice message. Has Lisa been getting into the sauce? It's not that I'm ungrateful for the unconditional love of a mother, but this is really emotional diarrhea that is best not put on the internet. Confucius say: When dealing with the public, it's important to keep a sphinx-like countenance. Don't let them know your inner thoughts. Keep them guessing. Seriously, I may have to ban my mom from the comments section. You've been warned.
You and Rick are special. There is no mistake that you have had unbelieveable opportunities provided to you. God has a plan. I firmly believe that. You must always remember that. You must give back. There are not many people in positions of strength who have lived humble lives... It is just the way society is. Many people who are in positions of strength cannot understand why people don't support privatizing social security because they have the money to put into the system. They cannot understand the issues people face who do not have money because they have had no exposure. Money has not been an issue for them. It is not their fault. People like you and Rick must help them understand in whatever capacity you are directed so policies can be changed to help people escape poverty, etc... Not many people who grew up in Northwest Indiana have had the exposure that both of you (and your friends) have had with regard to education, etc. It is a gift. Don't ever be ashamed of your roots. You must never forget your humble beginnings and help others understand the other side in whatever profession you choose so changes can be made to help others... Can you tell how important I feel about all of this???!!!...enough preaching...
unless the sauce has some sort of tomato base, i highly doubt it. more likely, this is yet another abrasively passive-aggressive outburst owing to a chemical imbalance of sumo-anorexic proportions.
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