Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ojo Rojo...Oh No!

So I've got the exact same migratory infection that plagued me in Spain when my family came to visit. It starts in the nose and throat, causing much pain and congestion. Then it moves to the left ear, cutting off much of my hearing in it. Then, just when I think it might be getting better, it traverses some duct and enters my eye, ending in, you guessed it, pink eye. Or as the Spanish call it, ojo rojo. I find their terminology much more rhymes, get it? Seriously, this thing does more traveling than a band of Mexican field workers. Badumching! Honestly, there's nothing that pisses me off more than xenophobia. The dirty little secret is that so many businesses rely on illegal aliens to do the workload. But then again, they are brown, and don't we have enough of that riff-raff in our country? That's pretty much the only reasoning I can see behind the other side's argument. Oh, and *gasp* they don't speak English. God forbid we turn into a bilingual country. Besides, isn't it the American way to neglect English and just have your kids assimilate. Honestly, who has ever had the time to learn a non-phonetic language with far more exceptions than rules. That was a sidebar.

In other news, there is no other news. I've spent all my time here failing my course in convalescence and struggling to write papers for every course I'm taking. Each one has a paper due this week. Is that not obscene?

Next week is Passover. I won't be Sedering in Jersey this year since Franklin Delano Cashew will not be going home. Instead, we will be enjoying the lovely food at Hillel...waaay better than dining hall grub.

My birthday's next week, too. On Good Friday. I think I'm hitting up the Cantab for some Little Joe Cook action. I think the blasphemy could get a little out of control. Good Friday and birthdays are not a good combination. I can only imagine the perverse sacrilege my mind will concoct.


At 4:13 PM, Blogger Ingrid said...

And remember, Ryan, that it's pronounced Oh-Joe Roe-Joe.

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice going Ryan, Hope you get better soon. You have "Ojo Rojo" and your Grandma has chirping in my left ear. Doctor said I have congestion in that ear. Oh well it's nice to hear the sound of a little birdie. Love you,


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