Sunday, April 09, 2006

Toilet Humor

In my suite, the bathroom is immediately adjacent to my room, the living room. There's no corridor, no corner to separate it. It's right there in the middle of a wall of the room, in a very conspicuous location. In fact, when the door to it is open, you can actually look at the toilet while you watch tv. The only sound barrier this bathroom has is a door with a pretty big lip on the bottom. It's safe to say that there's really no sound barrier at all. This of course presents a problem because anyone who needs to use the toilet has absolutely no privacy.

Over the last year, the subject matter of a frighteningly large percentage of the conversations between Schno and me have focused on bodily functions and other disgusting subject matter. I think it can mostly be attributed to the bathroom being in the living room. Any reason to suppress such conversations just doesn't exist. There's no reason to pretend like I don't have an intimate knowledge of the state of my roommate's digestive system.

And I must say, it makes for pretty funny conversations. Bodily functions, disgusting or not, are never dull subject matter. The only time this presents a problem is when you're at your friend's house eating with her parents and the tub of sour cream describes the contents as "so thick, so rich."


At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA, oh god i remember that. whatev, big eth didn't notice. and i'm pretty much used to the farting/pooping/etc conversations by now, so it's all good.

At 1:27 PM, Blogger a said...

Let me insert here that you know far more about my functions than I yours. My paper fundament and leisure reading aside, I have yet to engage in one of the play-by-plays that you so relish.


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