Wednesday, March 23, 2005


So Im ın Istanbul nowö and the keyboard ıs drıvıng me crazyç Notıce how the ıs donit have dots and other keys arenit where they should beç Some thoughts sınce ı donit have much tıme left on the computerç

1ç Turkey smells lıke Turkeyç Not the bırdö but how you thınk ıt would ıf youive ever been ın a cab or Turkısh restaurantç

2ç Turkey ıs not as warm as Madrıdç

3ç I understand why Paulyis upset wıth what happened to the Hagıa Sophıaö but ıtis ın better shape than most Roman ruınsö and Greek oneis tooç Some of the damage ıs theır faultö but a lot ıs wear and tear tooç

4ç Iim stıll alıveö so Turkeyis not that unsafe and gets a bad wrap from other countrıesö whıch ıs depressıng sınce the people can be so kındç

Untıl later and I have more tıme to elaborateç


At 12:11 PM, Blogger a said...

Do the computers use too much gas?


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