The Big, Juicy Van.
So this weekend I went down to Yale to see my brother's girlfriend's senior project, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress by Alan Ball. It was really excellent: hilarious, moving, and all that happy horseshit. Although I enjoy going to the theater, often it entails a couple of minutes of actively thinking you're enjoying something rather than sitting there enjoying it without convincing yourself. This is probably especially true of college productions. Not so with this play. Although I do have a problem with how Alan Ball writes Christians or "straights" (not sexuality-wise, but cultural-wise). This had a little bit of that. I like to call it the Kushner tendency. Still, it was a very good, "Steel Magnolias"-esque production that I loved.
The real story of the weekend, however, was the big, juicy van that I rented from Hertz.
I had requested a small, compact, cheap car to drive down to the Haven, but they gave me this weird SUV-Van hybrid at no extra cost. On the outside it looked like an SUV, but on the inside it was full-scale van. Totally weird. Despite the fact that gas-prices cooked the cost-effectiveness of this venture, it turned out well because I was able to drive my brother to the airport and help his girlfriend strike the set. Let me tell you, there's no fun but parallel parking a big, juicy van. Or driving one. The whole experience was transplendent. I loved it.
Of course, this being my first driving venture in New England, it was also my first brush with real life Massholes. I was a pretty bad driver since the whole experience had my mind somewhat removed since all I could think about was the fact that I was driving. a van. in massachusetts. alone. So yeah, I got a few honks since I didn't really care to use my mirrors ALL the time. But I figured that's the Masshole way. So anyway, in a line to pay a toll, this car comes from the side and bypasses the entire line to try to squeeze in at the front. I have NEVER seen anything like this. The person was not letting him in either, and he kept pushing forward. Eventually he gave up and just took the space behind the chicken match. I can't believe people behave like this. They just don't follow the rules of a civilized society. You'd think they'd all grown up on the Upper East Side or in a wild cave raised by a she-wolf. (Is there any difference?)
Oh, I've also gotten a Neti pot which I talk about non-stop, so there's no point in mentioning it here. If I haven't discussed it with you yet, then you've got quite the conversation coming up.