Saturday, May 20, 2006


Well, my undergraduate career is over. As Hawk Harrelson says, "You can put it on the board, YES!" Speaking of, I really relish the talk flying in the Chicago press about how the Sox and Cubs aren't even rivals anymore because there's nothing contested. We won and are doing a helluva job defending, and the Cubs, well, maybe the Cubs should be competing in a league in which they can actually win. You know, a league for little people. A Little League.

Anyway, I'm fat and lazy now. It's amazing the free time I have. Sure, I'm applying for jobs. We'll see how it turns out. Right now it feels like I'm running a sprint, trying desperately to get employment before my final coupla weeks here are up and poof, I find myself back in Indiana. Although, being in Chicago would have its advantages. First off, I have a sizeable friend base. Family. And most importantly, I wouldn't have to watch MLB Gameday which is just terribly boring.

Finishing was the biggest adrenaline rush of my life.

Right now, Wudle and I both have prospects for jobs in NYC, but we're knocking on wood until our fingers bleed.


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